Package: h2o

h2o: R Interface for the 'H2O' Scalable Machine Learning Platform

R interface for 'H2O', the scalable open source machine learning platform that offers parallelized implementations of many supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms such as Generalized Linear Models (GLM), Gradient Boosting Machines (including XGBoost), Random Forests, Deep Neural Networks (Deep Learning), Stacked Ensembles, Naive Bayes, Generalized Additive Models (GAM), ANOVA GLM, Cox Proportional Hazards, K-Means, PCA, ModelSelection, Word2Vec, as well as a fully automatic machine learning algorithm (H2O AutoML).

Authors:Tomas Fryda [aut, cre], Erin LeDell [aut], Navdeep Gill [aut], Spencer Aiello [aut], Anqi Fu [aut], Arno Candel [aut], Cliff Click [aut], Tom Kraljevic [aut], Tomas Nykodym [aut], Patrick Aboyoun [aut], Michal Kurka [aut], Michal Malohlava [aut], Sebastien Poirier [aut], Wendy Wong [aut], Ludi Rehak [ctb], Eric Eckstrand [ctb], Brandon Hill [ctb], Sebastian Vidrio [ctb], Surekha Jadhawani [ctb], Amy Wang [ctb], Raymond Peck [ctb], Jan Gorecki [ctb], Matt Dowle [ctb], Yuan Tang [ctb], Lauren DiPerna [ctb], Veronika Maurerova [ctb], Yuliia Syzon [ctb], Adam Valenta [ctb], Marek Novotny [ctb], [cph, fnd]


h2o.pdf |h2o.html
h2o/json (API)

# Install 'h2o' in R:
install.packages('h2o', repos = c('', ''))

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H2O R Interfaceh2o-package h2o
TODO: No objects in this file are being used. Either remove file or use objects..addParm
Stop with a user friendly message if a user is missing the ggplot2 package or has an old version of it..check_for_ggplot2
Helper Collapse Function.collapse
Consolidate variable importances.consolidate_varimps
Create a leaderboard like data frame for 'models'.create_leaderboard
A helper function that makes it easier to override/add params in a function call..customized_call
Tries to match a 'fuzzy_col_name' with a column name that exists in 'cols'..find_appropriate_column_name
Get the algoritm used by the model_or_model_id.get_algorithm
Get a mapping between columns and their domains.get_domain_mapping
Get feature count sorted by the count descending..get_feature_count
Get first of family models.get_first_of_family
Capabilities endpoints.h2o.__ALL_CAPABILITIES
Check H2O Server Health.h2o.__checkConnectionHealth
H2OFrame Manipulation.h2o.__CREATE_FRAME
Decryption Endpoints.h2o.__DECRYPTION_SETUP
Removal Endpoints.h2o.__DKV
Export Files Endpoint Generator.h2o.__EXPORT_FILES
Inspect/Summary Endpoints.h2o.__FRAMES
Import/Export Endpoints.h2o.__IMPORT
Administrative Endpoints.h2o.__JOBS
Log and Echo Endpoint.h2o.__LOGANDECHO
Model Builder Endpoint Generator.h2o.__MODEL_BUILDERS
Model Metrics Endpoint.h2o.__MODEL_METRICS
Model Endpoint.h2o.__MODELS
Parse Endpoints.h2o.__PARSE_SETUP
Rapids Endpoint.h2o.__RAPIDS
H2O Package Constants.h2o.__REST_API_VERSION
Segment Models Builder Endpoint Generator.h2o.__SEGMENT_MODELS_BUILDERS
Word2Vec Endpoints.h2o.__W2V_SYNONYMS
Just like doRawGET but fills in the default h2oRestApiVersion if none is provided.h2o.doGET
Just like doRawPOST but fills in the default h2oRestApiVersion if none is provided.h2o.doPOST
Perform a low-level HTTP GET operation on an H2O instance.h2o.doRawGET
Perform a low-level HTTP POST operation on an H2O instance.h2o.doRawPOST
Perform a safe (i.e. error-checked) HTTP GET request to an H2O cluster..h2o.doSafeGET
Perform a safe (i.e. error-checked) HTTP POST request to an H2O cluster..h2o.doSafePOST
Check if Progress Bar is Enabled.h2o.is_progress
Locate a file given the pattern <bucket>/<path/to/file> e.g. h2o:::.h2o.locate("smalldata/iris/iris22.csv") returns the absolute path to iris22.csv.h2o.locate
Internal function that calculates a precise AUC from given probabilities and actual responses..h2o.perfect_auc
Map of operations known to H2O.h2o.primitives
Has the 'model' coefficients?.has_model_coefficients
Has the model variable importance?.has_varimp
Is the model considered to be interpretable, i.e., simple enough..interpretable
Is the 'model' an H2O model?.is_h2o_model
Is the 'model' a Tree-based H2O Model?.is_h2o_tree_model
Check if we are plotting in to r notebook..is_plotting_to_rnotebook
Enhance leaderboard with per-model predictions..leaderboard_for_row
Min-max normalization..min_max
Get Model Ids.model_ids
The H2O Package Environment.pkg.env
Plot variable importances with ggplot2.plot_varimp
Do basic validation and transform 'object' to a "standardized" list containing models, and their properties such as 'x', 'y', whether it is a (multinomial) clasification or not etc..process_models_or_automl
Shortens model ids if possible (iff there will be same amount of unique model_ids as before).shorten_model_ids
H2O <-> R Communication and Utility Methods.skip_if_not_developer
Convert to quantiles when provided with numeric vector. When col is a factor vector assign uniformly value between 0 and 1 to each level..uniformize
Get variable importance in a standardized way..varimp
Used to verify data, x, y and turn into the appropriate things.verify_dataxy
Logical and for H2OFrames&&
Starting H2O For examplesaaa
Apply on H2O Datasetsapply
Convert an H2OFrame to a Stringas.character.H2OFrame
Converts parsed H2O data into an R data
Converts a collection of Segment Models to a
Convert H2O Data to Factorsas.factor
Create H2OFrameas.h2o as.h2o.default as.h2o.H2OFrame as.h2o.Matrix
Convert an H2OFrame to a matrixas.matrix.H2OFrame
Convert H2O Data to Numericas.numeric
Convert an H2OFrame to a vectoras.vector.H2OFrame
Australia Coastal Dataaustralia
Works like match.arg but ignores casecase_insensitive_match_arg
Returns the column names of an H2OFramecolnames
Returns the Dimensions of an H2OFramedim.H2OFrame
Column names of an H2OFramedimnames.H2OFrame
Retrieve the number of occurrences of each feature for given observations Available for GBM, Random Forest and Isolation Forest models.feature_frequencies.H2OModel h2o.feature_frequencies
CHeck to see if the column names/indices entered is valid for the dataframe given. This is an internal functiongenerate_col_ind
Get the seed from H2OModel which was used during training. If a user does not set the seed parameter before training, the seed is autogenerated. It returns seed as the string if the value is bigger than the integer. For example, an autogenerated seed is always long so that the seed in R is a string.get_seed.H2OModel h2o.get_seed
Compute the absolute value of xh2o.abs
Compute the arc cosine of xh2o.acos
Build an AdaBoost modelh2o.adaBoost
Retrieve the default AECU (Average Excess Cumulative Uplift = area between AUUC and random AUUC)h2o.aecu
Retrieve the all types of AECU (average excess cumulative uplift) value in a tableh2o.aecu_table
Retrieve an aggregated frame from an Aggregator modelh2o.aggregated_frame
Build an Aggregated Frameh2o.aggregator
Retrieve the Akaike information criterion (AIC) valueh2o.aic
Given a set of logical vectors, are all of the values true?h2o.all
Anomaly Detection via H2O Deep Learning Modelh2o.anomaly
H2O ANOVAGLM is used to calculate Type III SS which is used to evaluate the contributions of individual predictors and their interactions to a model. Predictors or interactions with negligible contributions to the model will have high p-values while those with more contributions will have low p-values.h2o.anovaglm
Given a set of logical vectors, is at least one of the values true?h2o.any
Check H2OFrame columns for factorsh2o.anyFactor
Perform a REST API request to a previously connected server.h2o.api
Sorts an H2O frame by columnsh2o.arrange
Convert between character representations and objects of Date classh2o.as_date
Convert H2O Data to Charactersh2o.ascharacter
Convert H2O Data to Factorsh2o.asfactor
Convert H2O Data to Numericsh2o.asnumeric
Rename an H2O object.h2o.assign
Retrieve Average Treatment Effect on the Controlh2o.atc
Retrieve Average Treatment Effecth2o.ate
Retrieve Average Treatment Effect on the Treatedh2o.att
Retrieve the AUCh2o.auc
Retrieve the AUCPR (Area Under Precision Recall Curve)h2o.aucpr h2o.pr_auc
Automatic Machine Learningh2o.automl
Retrieve AUUCh2o.auuc
Retrieve normalized AUUCh2o.auuc_normalized
Retrieve the all types of AUUC in a tableh2o.auuc_table
Extracts the final training average objective function of a GLM model.h2o.average_objective
Get the between cluster sum of squaresh2o.betweenss
Return the respective bias vectorh2o.biases
H2O bottomNh2o.bottomN
Calculate intersectional fairness metrics.h2o.calculate_fairness_metrics
Combine H2O Datasets by Columnsh2o.cbind
Take a single numeric argument and return a numeric vector with the smallest integersh2o.ceiling
Retrieve the Model Centersh2o.centers
Retrieve the Model Centers STDh2o.centersSTD
Retrieve centroid statisticsh2o.centroid_stats
Delete All H2O R Logsh2o.clearLog
Retrieve the cluster sizesh2o.cluster_sizes
Print H2O cluster infoh2o.clusterInfo
Determine if an H2O cluster is up or noth2o.clusterIsUp
Return the status of the clusterh2o.clusterStatus
Return the coefficients that can be applied to the non-standardized data.h2o.coef
Return coefficients fitted on the standardized data (requires standardize = True, which is on by default). These coefficients can be used to evaluate variable importance.h2o.coef_norm
Return the coefficients table with coefficients, standardized coefficients, p-values, z-values and std-error for GLM modelsh2o.coef_with_p_values
Return column names of an H2OFrameh2o.colnames
Obtain a list of columns that are specified by `coltype`h2o.columns_by_type
Compute weighted gram matrix.h2o.computeGram
Access H2O Confusion Matricesh2o.confusionMatrix h2o.confusionMatrix,H2OModel-method h2o.confusionMatrix,H2OModelMetrics-method
Connect to a running H2O instance.h2o.connect
Correlation of columns.cor h2o.cor
Compute the cosine of xh2o.cos
Compute the hyperbolic cosine of xh2o.cosh
Trains a Cox Proportional Hazards Model (CoxPH) on an H2O dataseth2o.coxph
Data H2OFrame Creation in H2Oh2o.createFrame
Retrieve the cross-validation fold assignmenth2o.cross_validation_fold_assignment
Retrieve the cross-validation holdout predictionsh2o.cross_validation_holdout_predictions
Retrieve the cross-validation modelsh2o.cross_validation_models
Retrieve the cross-validation predictionsh2o.cross_validation_predictions
Return the cumulative max over a column or across a rowh2o.cummax
Return the cumulative min over a column or across a rowh2o.cummin
Return the cumulative product over a column or across a rowh2o.cumprod
Return the cumulative sum over a column or across a rowh2o.cumsum
Cut H2O Numeric Data to Factorcut.H2OFrame h2o.cut
Convert Milliseconds to Day of Month in H2O Datasetsday day.H2OFrame
Convert Milliseconds to Day of Week in H2O DatasetsdayOfWeek dayOfWeek.H2OFrame h2o.dayOfWeek
Compute DCT of an H2OFrameh2o.dct
Split H2O Dataset, Apply Function, and Return Resultsh2o.ddply
Build a Decision Tree modelh2o.decision_tree
Setup a Decryption Toolh2o.decryptionSetup
Feature Generation via H2O Deep Learningh2o.deepfeatures
Build a Deep Neural Network model using CPUsh2o.deeplearning
H2O Description of A Dataseth2o.describe
Conduct a lag 1 transform on a numeric H2OFrame columnh2o.difflag1
Returns the number of rows and columns for an H2OFrame object.h2o.dim
Column names of an H2OFrameh2o.dimnames
Create a frame containing aggregations of intersectional fairness across the models.h2o.disparate_analysis
Compute a pairwise distance measure between all rows of two numeric H2OFrames.h2o.distance
Download the model in binary format. The owner of the file saved is the user by which python session was executed.h2o.download_model
Download the model in MOJO format.h2o.download_mojo
Download the Scoring POJO (Plain Old Java Object) of an H2O Modelh2o.download_pojo
Download H2O Log Files to Diskh2o.downloadAllLogs
Download H2O Data to Diskh2o.downloadCSV
Drops duplicated rows.h2o.drop_duplicates
Shannon entropyh2o.entropy
Compute the exponential function of xh2o.exp
Generate Model Explanationsh2o.explain
Generate Model Explanations for a single rowh2o.explain_row
Export an H2O Data Frame (H2OFrame) to a File or to a collection of Files.h2o.exportFile
Export a Model to HDFSh2o.exportHDFS
Trains an Extended Isolation Forest modelh2o.extendedIsolationForest
Partial dependence plot per protected group.h2o.fair_pd_plot
Plot PR curve per protected group.h2o.fair_pr_plot
Plot ROC curve per protected group.h2o.fair_roc_plot
SHAP summary plot for one feature with protected groups on y-axis.h2o.fair_shap_plot
Feature interactions and importance, leaf statistics and split value histograms in a tabular form. Available for XGBoost and GBM.h2o.feature_interaction
Filter NA Columnsh2o.filterNACols
Find the threshold, give the max metric. No duplicate thresholds allowedh2o.find_row_by_threshold
Find the threshold, give the max metrich2o.find_threshold_by_max_metric
Find synonyms using a word2vec model.h2o.findSynonyms
Take a single numeric argument and return a numeric vector with the largest integersh2o.floor
Open H2O Flowh2o.flow
Plot Gains/Lift curvesh2o.gains_lift_plot
Plot Gains/Lift curvesh2o.gains_lift_plot,H2OModel-method
Plot Gains/Lift curvesh2o.gains_lift_plot,H2OModelMetrics-method
Access H2O Gains/Lift Tablesh2o.gainsLift h2o.gainsLift,H2OModel-method h2o.gainsLift,H2OModelMetrics-method h2o.gains_lift
Fit a General Additive Modelh2o.gam
Build gradient boosted classification or regression treesh2o.gbm
Imports a generic model into H2O. Such model can be used then used for scoring and obtaining additional information about the model. The imported model has to be supported by H2O.h2o.generic
Imports a model under given path, creating a Generic model with it.h2o.genericModel
Get an R object that is a subclass of H2OAutoMLh2o.getAutoML h2o.get_automl
Get best model of a given family/algorithm for a given criterion from an AutoML object.h2o.get_best_model
Extracts the subset of predictor names that yield the best R2 value for each predictor subset size.h2o.get_best_model_predictors
Extracts the best R2 values for all predictor subset size.h2o.get_best_r2_values
Extracts the gam column names corresponding to the knot locations from model output if it is enabled.h2o.get_gam_knot_column_names
Extracts the knot locations from model output if it is enabled.h2o.get_knot_locations
Retrieve the leaderboard from the AutoML instance.h2o.get_leaderboard
Retrieve actual number of trees for tree algorithmsh2o.get_ntrees_actual
Extracts the predictor added to model at each step.h2o.get_predictors_added_per_step
Extracts the predictor removed to model at each step.h2o.get_predictors_removed_per_step
Extracts a list of H2OFrames containing regression influence diagnostics for predictor subsets of various sizes or just one H2OFrame containing regression influence diagnostics for predictor subsets of one fixed sizeh2o.get_regression_influence_diagnostics
Retrieves an instance of H2OSegmentModels for a given id.h2o.get_segment_models
Return the variable inflation factors associated with numerical predictors for GLM models.h2o.get_variable_inflation_factors
Extract best alpha value found from glm model.h2o.getAlphaBest
Retrieve an H2O Connectionh2o.getConnection
Get an R Reference to an H2O Dataset, that will NOT be GC'd by defaulth2o.getFrame
Extract full regularization path from a GLM modelh2o.getGLMFullRegularizationPath
Get a grid object from H2O distributed K/V store.h2o.getGrid
Get back-end distributed key/value store id from an H2OFrame.h2o.getId
Extract best lambda value found from glm model.h2o.getLambdaBest
Extract the maximum lambda value used during lambda search from glm model.h2o.getLambdaMax
Extract the minimum lambda value calculated during lambda search from glm model. Note that due to early stop, this minimum lambda value may not be used in the actual lambda search.h2o.getLambdaMin
Get an R reference to an H2O modelh2o.getModel
Fetchces a single tree of a H2O model. This function is intended to be used on Gradient Boosting Machine models or Distributed Random Forest models.h2o.getModelTree
Get the Time Zone on the H2O cluster Returns a stringh2o.getTimezone
Get the types-per-columnh2o.getTypes
Get h2o versionh2o.getVersion
Retrieve the GINI Coefficcienth2o.giniCoef
Fit a generalized linear modelh2o.glm
Generalized low rank decomposition of an H2O data frameh2o.glrm
Search for matches to an argument patternh2o.grep
H2O Grid Supporth2o.grid
Group and Apply by Columnh2o.group_by
String Global Substituteh2o.gsub
Calculates Friedman and Popescu's H statistics, in order to test for the presence of an interaction between specified variables in h2o gbm and xgb models. H varies from 0 to 1. It will have a value of 0 if the model exhibits no interaction between specified variables and a correspondingly larger value for a stronger interaction effect between them. NaN is returned if a computation is spoiled by weak main effects and rounding errors.h2o.h
Return the Head or Tail of an H2O Dataset.h2o.head h2o.tail head.H2OFrame tail.H2OFrame
Retrieve HGLM ModelMetricsh2o.HGLMMetrics
Compute A Histogramh2o.hist
Retrieve the Hit Ratiosh2o.hit_ratio_table
Convert Milliseconds to Hour of Day in H2O Datasetsh2o.hour hour hour.H2OFrame
Plot Individual Conditional Expectation (ICE) for each decileh2o.ice_plot
H2O Apply Conditional Statementh2o.ifelse ifelse
Import Hive Table into H2Oh2o.import_hive_table
Imports a MOJO under given path, creating a Generic model with it.h2o.import_mojo
Import SQL table that is result of SELECT SQL query into H2Oh2o.import_sql_select
Import SQL Table into H2Oh2o.import_sql_table
Import Files into H2Oh2o.importFile h2o.importFolder h2o.importHDFS h2o.uploadFile
Basic Imputation of H2O Vectorsh2o.impute
H2O Infogramh2o.infogram
Train models over subsets selected using infogramh2o.infogram_train_subset_models
Initialize and Connect to H2Oh2o.init
Insert Missing Values into an H2OFrameh2o.insertMissingValues
Produce plots and dataframes related to a single model fairness.h2o.inspect_model_fairness
Categorical Interaction Feature Creation in H2Oh2o.interaction
Check Client Mode Connectionh2o.is_client
Check if characterh2o.ischaracter
Check if factorh2o.isfactor
Check if numerich2o.isnumeric
Trains an Isolation Forest modelh2o.isolationForest
Build an Isotonic Regression modelh2o.isotonicregression
Method on 'Keyed' objects allowing to obtain their key.h2o.keyof h2o.keyof,H2OAutoML-method h2o.keyof,H2OFrame-method h2o.keyof,H2OGrid-method h2o.keyof,H2OModel-method h2o.keyof,Keyed-method
Produce a k-fold column vector.h2o.kfold_column
Dump the stack into the JVM's stdout.h2o.killMinus3
Performs k-means clustering on an H2O dataseth2o.kmeans
Kolmogorov-Smirnov metric for binomial modelsh2o.kolmogorov_smirnov h2o.kolmogorov_smirnov,H2OModel-method h2o.kolmogorov_smirnov,H2OModelMetrics-method
Kurtosis of a columnh2o.kurtosis kurtosis.H2OFrame
Learning Curve Ploth2o.learning_curve_plot
Return the levels from the column requested column.h2o.levels
List all H2O registered extensionsh2o.list_all_extensions
List registered API extensionsh2o.list_api_extensions
List registered core extensionsh2o.list_core_extensions
Return list of jobs performed by the H2O clusterh2o.list_jobs
Get an list of all model ids present in the clusterh2o.list_models
List all of the Time Zones Acceptable by the H2O cluster.h2o.listTimezones
Load frame previously stored in H2O's native format.h2o.load_frame
Loads previously saved grid with all it's models from the same folderh2o.loadGrid
Load H2O Model from HDFS or Local Diskh2o.loadModel
Compute the logarithm of xh2o.log
Compute the log10 of xh2o.log10
Compute the log1p of xh2o.log1p
Compute the log2 of xh2o.log2
Log a message on the server-side logsh2o.logAndEcho
Retrieve the log likelihood valueh2o.loglikelihood
Retrieve the Log Loss Valueh2o.logloss
List Keys on an H2O
Strip set from lefth2o.lstrip
Retrieve the Mean Absolute Error Valueh2o.mae
Create a leaderboard from a list of models, grids and/or automls.h2o.make_leaderboard
Create Model Metrics from predicted and actual values in H2Oh2o.make_metrics
Set betas of an existing H2O GLM Modelh2o.makeGLMModel
Value Matching in H2O%in% h2o.match match.H2OFrame
Returns the maxima of the input values.h2o.max
Compute the frame's mean by-column (or by-row).h2o.mean mean.H2OFrame
Retrieve the mean per class errorh2o.mean_per_class_error
Retrieve the Mean Residual Deviance valueh2o.mean_residual_deviance
H2O Medianh2o.median median.H2OFrame
Converts a frame to key-value representation while optionally skipping NA values. Inverse operation to h2o.pivot.h2o.melt
Merge Two H2O Data Framesh2o.merge
H2O Model Metric Accessor Functionsh2o.accuracy h2o.error h2o.F0point5 h2o.F1 h2o.F2 h2o.fallout h2o.fnr h2o.fpr h2o.maxPerClassError h2o.mcc h2o.mean_per_class_accuracy h2o.metric h2o.missrate h2o.precision h2o.recall h2o.sensitivity h2o.specificity h2o.tnr h2o.tpr
Returns the minima of the input values.h2o.min
Compute msec since the Unix Epochh2o.mktime
Model Prediction Correlationh2o.model_correlation
Model Prediction Correlation Heatmaph2o.model_correlation_heatmap
H2O ModelSelection is used to build the best model with one predictor, two predictors, ... up to max_predictor_number specified in the algorithm parameters when mode=allsubsets. The best model is the one with the highest R2 value. When mode=maxr, the model returned is no longer guaranteed to have the best R2 value.h2o.modelSelection
H2O Prediction from R without having H2O runningh2o.mojo_predict_csv
H2O Prediction from R without having H2O runningh2o.mojo_predict_df
Convert Milliseconds to Months in H2O Datasetsh2o.month month month.H2OFrame
Retrieves Mean Squared Error Valueh2o.mse
Retrieve the all AUC values in a table (One to Rest, One to One, macro and weighted average) for mutlinomial classification.h2o.multinomial_auc_table
Retrieve the all PR AUC values in a table (One to Rest, One to One, macro and weighted average) for mutlinomial classification.h2o.multinomial_aucpr_table
Remove Rows With NAsh2o.na_omit
Count of NAs per columnh2o.nacnt
Compute naive Bayes probabilities on an H2O dataset.h2o.naiveBayes
Column names of an H2OFrameh2o.names
String lengthh2o.nchar
Return the number of columns present in x.h2o.ncol
Extracts the final training negative log likelihood of a GLM model.h2o.negative_log_likelihood
View Network Traffic Speedh2o.networkTest
Get the number of factor levels for this frame.h2o.nlevels
Disable Progress Barh2o.no_progress
Return the number of rows present in x.h2o.nrow
Retrieve the null devianceh2o.null_deviance
Retrieve the null degrees of freedomh2o.null_dof
Retrieve the number of iterations.h2o.num_iterations
Count of substrings >= 2 chars that are contained in fileh2o.num_valid_substrings
View H2O R Logsh2o.openLog
Plot Pareto fronth2o.pareto_front
H2O Data Parsingh2o.parseRaw
Get a parse setup back for the staged data.h2o.parseSetup
Partial Dependence Plotsh2o.partialPlot
Plot partial dependencies for a variable across multiple modelsh2o.pd_multi_plot
Plot partial dependence for a variableh2o.pd_plot
Model Performance Metrics in H2Oh2o.performance
Calculate Permutation Feature Importance.h2o.permutation_importance
Plot Permutation Variable Importances.h2o.permutation_importance_plot
Pivot a frameh2o.pivot
Principal component analysis of an H2O data frameh2o.prcomp
Predict on an H2O Modelh2o.predict
H2O Prediction from R without having H2O runningh2o.predict_json
Evaluates validity of the given rules on the given data. Returns a frame with a column per each input rule id, representing a flag whether given rule is applied to the observation or not.h2o.predict_rules
Calculates per-level mean of predicted value vs actual value for a given variable.h2o.predicted_vs_actual_by_variable
Print An H2OFrameh2o.print
Return the product of all the values present in its
Convert Archetypes to Features from H2O GLRM Modelh2o.proj_archetypes
Trains a Support Vector Machine model on an H2O dataseth2o.psvm
Retrieve the default Qini valueh2o.qini
Quantiles of H2O Frames.h2o.quantile quantile.H2OFrame
Retrieve the R2 valueh2o.r2
Build a Random Forest modelh2o.randomForest
Returns a vector containing the minimum and maximum of all the given arguments.h2o.range
This function will add a new column rank where the ranking is produced as follows: 1. sorts the H2OFrame by columns sorted in by columns specified in group_by_cols and sort_cols in the directions specified by the ascending for the sort_cols. The sort directions for the group_by_cols are ascending only. 2. A new rank column is added to the frame which will contain a rank assignment performed next. The user can choose to assign a name to this new column. The default name is New_Rank_column. 3. For each groupby groups, a rank is assigned to the row starting from 1, 2, ... to the end of that group. 4. If sort_cols_sorted is TRUE, a final sort on the frame will be performed frame according to the sort_cols and the sort directions in ascending. If sort_cols_sorted is FALSE (by default), the frame from step 3 will be returned as is with no extra sort. This may provide a small speedup if desired.h2o.rank_within_group_by
Execute a Rapids expression.h2o.rapids
Combine H2O Datasets by Rowsh2o.rbind
Reconstruct Training Data via H2O GLRM Modelh2o.reconstruct
Reorders levels of an H2O factor, similarly to standard R's relevel.h2o.relevel
Reorders levels of factor columns by the frequencies for the individual levels.h2o.relevel_by_frequency
Remove All Objects on the H2O Clusterh2o.removeAll
Delete Columns from an H2OFrameh2o.removeVecs
Replicate Elements of Vectors or Lists into H2Oh2o.rep_len
Reset model threshold and return old threshold value.h2o.reset_threshold
Residual Analysish2o.residual_analysis_plot
Retrieve the residual devianceh2o.residual_deviance
Retrieve the residual degrees of freedomh2o.residual_dof
Retrieve the results to view the best predictor subsets.h2o.result
Triggers auto-recovery resume - this will look into configured recovery dir and resume and tasks that were interrupted by unexpected cluster stopping.h2o.resume
Resume previously stopped grid training.h2o.resumeGrid
Delete Objects In H2Oh2o.rm
Retrieves Root Mean Squared Error Valueh2o.rmse
Retrieve the Root Mean Squared Log Errorh2o.rmsle
Round doubles/floats to the given number of decimal places.h2o.round round
Strip set from righth2o.rstrip
This function returns the table with estimated coefficients and language representations (in case it is a rule) for each of the significant baselearners.h2o.rule_importance
Build a RuleFit Modelh2o.rulefit
Produce a Vector of Random Uniform Numbersh2o.runif
Store frame data in H2O's native format.h2o.save_frame
Save an H2O Model Object as Mojo to Diskh2o.save_mojo
Save contents of this data frame into a Hive tableh2o.save_to_hive
Saves an existing Grid of models into a given folder.h2o.saveGrid
Save an H2O Model Object to Diskh2o.saveModel
Save an H2O Model Detailsh2o.saveModelDetails
Deprecated - use h2o.save_mojo instead. Save an H2O Model Object as Mojo to Diskh2o.saveMojo
Scaling and Centering of an H2OFrameh2o.scale
Retrieve Model Score Historyh2o.scoreHistory
Retrieve GLM Model Score History buried in GAM modelh2o.scoreHistoryGAM
Scree Ploth2o.screeplot
Standard Deviation of a column of sd
Retrieve the standard deviations of principal componentsh2o.sdev
Creates a new Amazon S3 client internally with specified credentials.h2o.set_s3_credentials
Set Levels of H2O Factor Columnh2o.setLevels
Set the Time Zone on the H2O clusterh2o.setTimezone
SHAP Local Explanationh2o.shap_explain_row_plot
SHAP Summary Ploth2o.shap_summary_plot
Enable Progress Barh2o.show_progress
Shut Down H2O Instanceh2o.shutdown
Round doubles/floats to the given number of significant digits.h2o.signif signif
Compute the sine of xh2o.sin
Skewness of a columnh2o.skewness skewness.H2OFrame
Split an H2O Data Seth2o.splitFrame
Compute the square root of xh2o.sqrt
Builds a Stacked Ensembleh2o.stackedEnsemble
Start Writing H2O R Logsh2o.startLogging
Plot Standardized Coefficient Magnitudesh2o.std_coef_plot
Stop Writing H2O R Logsh2o.stopLogging
Display the structure of an H2OFrame objecth2o.str
Compute element-wise string distances between two H2OFramesh2o.stringdist
String Splith2o.strsplit
String Substituteh2o.sub
Substringh2o.substr h2o.substring
Compute the frame's sum by-column (or by-row).h2o.sum
Summarizes the columns of an H2OFrame.h2o.summary summary.H2OFrame
Singular value decomposition of an H2O data frame using the power methodh2o.svd
Cross Tabulation and Table Creation in H2Oh2o.table table.H2OFrame
Tabulation between Two Columns of an H2OFrameh2o.tabulate
Compute the tangent of xh2o.tan
Compute the hyperbolic tangent of xh2o.tanh
Apply Target Encoding Map to Frameh2o.target_encode_apply
Create Target Encoding Maph2o.target_encode_create
Transformation of a categorical variable with a mean value of the target variableh2o.targetencoder
Computes TF-IDF values for each word in given documents.h2o.tf_idf
Retrieve the thresholds and metric scores tableh2o.thresholds_and_metric_scores
Convert a word2vec model into an H2OFrameh2o.toFrame
Tokenize Stringh2o.tokenize
Convert strings to lowercaseh2o.tolower
H2O topBottomNh2o.topBottomN
H2O topNh2o.topN
Get the total within cluster sum of squares.h2o.tot_withinss
Get the total sum of squares.h2o.totss
Convert strings to uppercaseh2o.toupper
H2O Segmented-Data Bulk Model Trainingh2o.train_segments
Use H2O Transformation model and apply the underlying transformationh2o.transform
Use GRLM to transform a frame.h2o.transform_frame
Transform words (or sequences of words) to vectors using a word2vec model.h2o.transform_word2vec
Applies target encoding to a given dataseth2o.transform,H2OTargetEncoderModel-method
Transform words (or sequences of words) to vectors using a word2vec model.h2o.transform,H2OWordEmbeddingModel-method
Trim Spaceh2o.trim
Truncate values in x toward 0h2o.trunc
H2O Uniqueh2o.unique
Build a Uplift Random Forest modelh2o.upliftRandomForest
Upload a binary model from the provided local path to the H2O cluster. (H2O model can be saved in a binary form either by saveModel() or by download_model() function.)h2o.upload_model
Imports a MOJO from a local filesystem, creating a Generic model with it.h2o.upload_mojo
Variance of a column or covariance of columns.h2o.var var
Retrieve the variable importance.h2o.varimp
Variable Importance Heatmap across multiple modelsh2o.varimp_heatmap
Plot Variable Importancesh2o.varimp_plot
Retrieve the variable importance.h2o.varimp,H2OAutoML-method
Retrieve the variable importance.h2o.varimp,H2OFrame-method
Retrieve the variable importance.h2o.varimp,H2OModel-method
Retrieve per-variable split information for a given Isolation Forest model. Output will include: - count - The number of times a variable was used to make a split. - aggregated_split_ratios - The split ratio is defined as "abs(#left_observations - #right_observations) / #before_split". Even splits (#left_observations approx the same as #right_observations) contribute less to the total aggregated split ratio value for the given feature; highly imbalanced splits (eg. #left_observations >> #right_observations) contribute more. - aggregated_split_depths - The sum of all depths of a variable used to make a split. (If a variable is used on level N of a tree, then it contributes with N to the total aggregate.)h2o.varsplits
Convert Milliseconds to Week of Week Year in H2O Datasetsh2o.week week week.H2OFrame
Retrieve the respective weight matrixh2o.weights
Which indices are TRUE?h2o.which
Which indice contains the max value?h2o.which_max which.max.H2OFrame which.min.H2OFrame
Which index contains the min value?h2o.which_min
Get the Within SSh2o.withinss
Trains a word2vec model on a String column of an H2O data frameh2o.word2vec
Build an eXtreme Gradient Boosting modelh2o.xgboost
Determines whether an XGBoost model can be builth2o.xgboost.available
Convert Milliseconds to Years in H2O Datasetsh2o.year year year.H2OFrame
The H2OAutoML classH2OAutoML-class
The H2OClusteringModel object.H2OClusteringModel-class
The H2OConnection class.H2OConnection H2OConnection-class show,H2OConnection-method
The H2OConnectionMutableState classH2OConnectionMutableState
The H2OCoxPHModel object.coef.H2OCoxPHModel extractAIC.H2OCoxPHModel H2OCoxPHModel H2OCoxPHModel-class logLik.H2OCoxPHModel show,H2OCoxPHModel-method survfit.H2OCoxPHModel vcov.H2OCoxPHModel
The H2OCoxPHModelSummary object.coef.H2OCoxPHModelSummary H2OCoxPHModelSummary H2OCoxPHModelSummary-class show,H2OCoxPHModelSummary-method
The H2OFrame classH2OFrame-class
Extract or Replace Parts of an H2OFrame Object$.H2OFrame $<-.H2OFrame H2OFrame-Extract [,H2OFrame-method [.H2OFrame [<-.H2OFrame [[.H2OFrame [[<-.H2OFrame
H2O GridH2OGrid H2OGrid-class show,H2OGrid-method
wrapper function for instantiating H2OInfogramH2OInfogram
H2OInfogram classH2OInfogram-class
The H2OLeafNode class.H2OLeafNode-class
The H2OModel object.H2OAnomalyDetectionModel-class H2OAutoEncoderModel-class H2OBinomialModel-class H2OBinomialUpliftModel-class H2ODimReductionModel-class H2OModel H2OModel-class H2OMultinomialModel-class H2OOrdinalModel-class H2ORegressionModel-class H2OTargetEncoderModel-class H2OUnknownModel-class H2OWordEmbeddingModel-class show,H2OModel-method
H2O Future ModelH2OModelFuture-class
The H2OModelMetrics Object.H2OAnomalyDetectionMetrics-class H2OAutoEncoderMetrics-class H2OBinomialMetrics-class H2OBinomialUpliftMetrics-class H2OClusteringMetrics-class H2OCoxPHMetrics-class H2ODimReductionMetrics-class H2OModelMetrics H2OModelMetrics-class H2OMultinomialMetrics-class H2OOrdinalMetrics-class H2ORegressionMetrics-class H2OTargetEncoderMetrics-class H2OUnknownMetrics-class H2OWordEmbeddingMetrics-class show,H2OAnomalyDetectionMetrics-method show,H2OAutoEncoderMetrics-method show,H2OBinomialMetrics-method show,H2OBinomialUpliftMetrics-method show,H2OClusteringMetrics-method show,H2ODimReductionMetrics-method show,H2OModelMetrics-method show,H2OMultinomialMetrics-method show,H2OOrdinalMetrics-method show,H2ORegressionMetrics-method
The H2ONode class.H2ONode-class show,H2ONode-method
H2O Segment ModelsH2OSegmentModels-class show,H2OSegmentModels-method
H2O Future Segment ModelsH2OSegmentModelsFuture-class
The H2OSplitNode class.H2OSplitNode H2OSplitNode-class
The H2OTree class.H2OTree H2OTree-class show,H2OTree-method
United States Congressional Voting Records 1984housevotes
Method on 'H2OInfogram' object which in this case is to instantiate and initialize itinitialize,H2OInfogram-method
Edgar Anderson's Iris Datairis
Check if characteris.character
Check if factoris.factor
Is H2O Frame objectis.h2o
Check if numericis.numeric
Virtual Keyed classKeyed-class
Overrides the behavior of length() function on H2OTree class. Returns number of nodes in an 'H2OTree'length,H2OTree-method
Logical or for H2OFramesLogical-or ||
Needed to be able to memoise the models.model_cache model_cache-class
Accessor Methods for H2OModel ObjectgetBetweenSS getBetweenSS,H2OClusteringModel-method getCenters getCenters,H2OClusteringModel-method getCentersStd getCentersStd,H2OClusteringModel-method getClusterSizes getClusterSizes,H2OClusteringModel-method getIterations getIterations,H2OClusteringModel-method getParms getParms,H2OModel-method getTotSS getTotSS,H2OClusteringModel-method getTotWithinSS getTotWithinSS,H2OClusteringModel-method getWithinSS getWithinSS,H2OClusteringModel-method ModelAccessors
Column names of an H2OFramenames.H2OFrame
S3 Group Generic Functions for H2O!.H2OFrame %*% colnames<- h2o.length length.H2OFrame log log10 log1p log2 Math.H2OFrame names<-.H2OFrame ncol.H2OFrame nrow.H2OFrame Ops.H2OFrame Summary.H2OFrame t.H2OFrame trunc
Plot Pareto frontplot,H2OParetoFront-method
Plot an H2O Infogramplot.H2OInfogram
Plot an H2O Modelplot.H2OModel
Plot an H2O Tabulate Heatmapplot.H2OTabulate
Predict feature contributions - SHAP values on an H2O Model (only DRF, GBM, XGBoost models and equivalent imported MOJOs).h2o.predict_contributions predict_contributions.H2OModel
Predict the Leaf Node Assignment on an H2O Modelh2o.predict_leaf_node_assignment predict_leaf_node_assignment.H2OModel
Predict on an AutoML objecth2o.predict.H2OAutoML predict.H2OAutoML
Predict on an H2O Modelh2o.predict.H2OModel predict.H2OModel
Print An H2OFrameprint.H2OFrame
Print method for H2OTable objectsprint.H2OTable
Prostate Cancer Studyprostate
Range of an H2O Columnrange.H2OFrame
Output row to tree assignment for the model and provided training data.h2o.row_to_tree_assignment row_to_tree_assignment.H2OModel
Scaling and Centering of an H2OFramescale scale.H2OFrame
Format AutoML object in user-friendly wayshow,H2OAutoML-method
Show H2OParetoFrontshow,H2OParetoFront-method
Predict class probabilities at each stage of an H2O Modelh2o.staged_predict_proba staged_predict_proba.H2OModel
Display the structure of an H2OFrame objectstr.H2OFrame
Format AutoML object in user-friendly waysummary,H2OAutoML-method
Summary method for H2OCoxPHModel objectssummary,H2OCoxPHModel-method
Format grid object in user-friendly waysummary,H2OGrid-method
Print the Model Summarysummary,H2OModel-method
Use optional packageuse.package
Muscular Actuations for Walking Subjectwalking
Shutdown H2O cluster after examples runzzz